Superhero “Stretch Mark” is on the lookout for a villain that committed a dastardly crime! Will he solve the mystery? What danger awaits?!?! Another animated gem based on a Birthday Street comic. Enjoy!
Dog Walking
More Storyboard Work!

I just updated the storyboard section of my site. Check out all of the hot new material featuring health insurance plans for seniors AND bread (with videos)!!!
Alien Sport
I was recently inspired when watching a Quicksand concert on Youtube. The singer/guitarist, Walter Schreifels, was wearing a cryptic t-shirt with a bunch of crudely drawn aliens on it. After doing a little bit of snooping online for “alien art” I found the source of the drawings. They come from a book called “A Visual Guide to Alien Beings” by David W. Chace, 1996. From what I can tell the author/illustrator interpreted a bunch of accounts from people that claim to have had first encounters. It made me think of every bit of alien lore from shows like Unsolved Mysteries and tabloid covers.

So where am I going with all of this? I thought the aesthetic was cool, creepy, and goofy at the same time. I designed and illustrated a shirt for my local bike polo club based on all of this occult-ish silliness. Aliens and bike polo gear with some metalhead drip font for good measure. Making things the appropriate amount of cryptic and curious.
The “Alien Sport” shirt design comes in three different colors; black, gold, and grey. The gold and grey shirts have and slightly offset magenta and cyan color way, the black shirt has reversed white. You can order yours here today!

Christmas Cheer
Flighty Invention
Fresh Air
Animated Bike Polo Shorts
New Look YouTube
Check out the rebranded Sergio Aragonés inspired look of my YouTube channel! It looks like garbage 😉